
  Homestay Progam Disclaimer

  • This homestay disclaimer applies to all participants in this homestay program including hosts, applicants, affiliates, students and clients. I/We have read and understood the conditions and guidelines outlined on Homestay Connection. website and and its applications.

  • I/We understand that Homestay Connection including all company services, executives, employees and websites are acting as independent agents who are not guaranteeing the quality of the relationship between the homestay student and the host family, or between student and the educational institution, or other relationships.

  • I/We understand and assume any and all risks related to my participation in this program, and I/We agree to release and hold harmless Homestay Connection and each of their respective employees, agents, and representatives from any and all liability of claims should any injury, loss, or damage occur during this homestay or any other service offered.

  • I/We understand that if I/we participate in this program that I/we will purchase my own insurance whether medical, emergency, liability, damage, home, vehicle and/or any other types of insurance which may be necessary, should any claims, damages or penalties arise. Contact your insurance broker, travel agent, or insurance provider for more details.

  • I/We understand that Homestay Connection do not assume any responsibility for any injuries, losses, damages, problems or accidents that might occur during a homestay or a program. I/We further understand that any actions that take place among the homestay family, college and student are not sanctioned by Homestay Connection nor do I hold Homestay Connection responsible for any reason.